In many separation processes, gas and vapor flows play an essential role. Mechanical and thermal droplet formation take place in gas streams of absorption columns, gas scrubbers and liquids accumulators.
For certain processes, these liquid fractions must be separated from the overall gas or vapor flow. Especially droplet separators made from knitted wire mesh and fiber materials are very effective for the tradeoff between good separation efficiency and low pressure drop.The size of the droplets mostly depends on their kind of origin and their prehistory. Two principal mechanisms are responsible for their formation: mechanical generation as well as condensation. A rough distinction of the droplet size can be made to the effect, that droplets bigger than 10 µm are called spray and smaller ones are called mist or aerosols.

- Evaporators (To avoid entrainment and to improve product purity)
- Absorption- and distillation columns (Increase of flow rates and products purity)
- Vacuum- and compressed air systems (Separation of the condensate generated)
- Oil mist separator (Waste air abatement and recovery of oils and lubricants)
- Fat filters/ fatty acid systems (Separation of fatty acids)
- Paint shops (Separation of painting particles)
- Sulphuric acid plants (Separation of sulphuric acid mist)
- Air conditioning and waste air systems (Separation of liquid and solid particles)
- Cooling towers (Retaining aerosols)